Monday 8 March 2010

Movie Night or what?

This is the story of what was meant to be a simple movie night where the plan was to watch Gladiator - something that was clearly not meant to be simple in any way yet still turned out...interesting.

Off I went to Wilson house at around 7pm (left 1h late) and walked across Hyde Park in the dark - before it was closed - dangerous to go in after it closes (lots of gays, weirdos and rapists: not fun). When I finally arrived at around 8 on what seemed like a very long trek and a few askings of random people in the streets for directions, I let myself in only to find I was infact, late, but not the latest so it's all good.

The initial plan was to watch the film there and then but unfortunately the TV room was full thus we decided dinner was clearly the wiser and tastier option. This included noodles cooked by Matt, some really good rice-meat mixture by Soo and something else that evades my memory by Rodrigo (he also made a banana cake). While this was going on I was having a tour of what can only be called a Warren due to the complicatedness of its corridors, outdoors-parts, stairs and numerous doors. During the tour I was introduced to the game ping pong cricket by Lucy who arguably throws in a very scary way (i.e. fast and straight)! Having played a game of that we settled for dinner which was followed by some Pimms, WKD and Port.

Ofcourse, the people downstairs were still busy watching a film so we decided to go back to the Ping-Pong room and have some play offs. This would have been fine were it not for the fact that 1) it was 1am and 2)we had discovered some bins that were used to hold the balls and decided to use them as drums. As you may well have guessed, someone heard and came in to give us a piece of his mind: "Will you shut the F*** up!!!". Personally I found this quite funny but we decided to vacate to the games room where we found a Gamecube and... Super Smash Bros!!! This we played for until the owners came back, packed it up and went to bed - no fair!

At this point we considered watching Gladiator on a laptop but to our great luck the TV room was finally open - at 2am or something. As you can imagine the film watching commensed in earnest and the film finished at 4ish (yes it was awesome). As getting back to my halls would've taken about 2hours to walk I decided to wait until the tube station opened at 5am to catch one back...however the tube I was going to catch was cancelled due to 'work for the Olympics'. This meant I had to catch a different tube that was across the road *phew* down to Piccadily Circus before catching the Piccadily line down to Gloucester Road. On exiting the station I saw a rather dodgy scene at around 6am: a very drunk girl with a friend (not sure as to the sex) who were being followed by a 30-40+ arab looking man who was calling after them. Talk about a stalker. When I had passed them and looked back this man was actually right up and gropeing her - I guess this is why you hear creepy stories.

The final part of the story was when I reached my halls at 6:30 and came to the horrible, tiring conclusion that I could not infact sleep due to 7am!

1 comment:

  1. My, you are an adventurer. TIP: Don't take off your shirt when playing paintball.
