Sunday, 4 April 2010

Blues Brothers

As part of my halls end of term party, there was a 70s-80s themed fancy dress with karaoke. Needless to say I planned on going - free booze and drink - what's not to like in that combination?

However I did not know what to dress as - this is where the genius idea of my room mate Alex came in to go dressed as the Blues Brothers - Elwood and Jake. Thus we suited up, acquired a pair of trilbeys and sunglasses (which I borrowed from my xmas arab outfit). Here is the product of that:

Our outfit was greeted with much applause (win!) and we want onto perform everybody needs somebody which is on video. I even ended up giving one of the wardens a crash history course in the Blues Brothers as he was clearly clueless about them; claiming they were a 50s band! (This after I had educated myself on them only the night before). We subsequently decided that only one punishment was due him: tied to a chair and forced to watch the Blues Brothers on repeat for an entire weekend with matchsticks to hold his eyes open!

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